Hi, Thelma here.
For once our staff took us with them when they went out to see a place. That place was White Sand National Monument. Actually they didn't have a choice. They were able to drive the bus on a 16 mile loop through the sand dunes. And were the bus goes, we go.
I now understand why humans wear sunglasses. The sands were so white and bright that my eyes could hardly stand it. Of course my sister Louise and I have very sensitive eyes.
I wanted to get out and roll in the sand. But Loren told me, "No!. Besides, it's not really sand".
Well that just shows how much he knows. Sharon read to me from the brochure that it is a very special kind of sand, made of gypsum. The common mineral gypsum is rarely found as sand because it it easily soluble in water. But here in the desert, water is rarely found. So the gypsum remains as sand.
Any way I won't bore you any more with science class. Here are some of the pictures. Enjoy.
Sharon and Loren climbed up one of the dunes and took a picture of the bus. You can't really see me, but I'm standing on the dinning room table, looking out the middle window. |
Yes in the desert you still need a warm jacket. |